Sunday, November 14, 2010

Julius Caesar/Fall of the Roman Empire 3

  3(100 B.C- 44 B.C) I heard about this guy his name was Julius Caesar and I have heard that he has done some pretty amazing things so I decided to go and see this guy my self and interview him about the thing that he has done and some of his life:
Q: So Julius where and when were you born?
A:  Well I was born in 100 B.C into a patrician family.
Q: When did you start to get into being political?
A: In 63 B.c I ran for priest of Roman state religion and I won and after a little while I was appointed to govern Spain.
Q: How did you get up to being a ruler?
A: I returned from Spain and made friends with two prominent figures Pompey and Crassus which helped boost me to consul which is the highest office in Rome. Then a year after that I become governor of Gaul and go on to win a lot of battles. Such as defeating the Helvetians, the Germans, the Nervii, then we win in the battle of Alesia. But I got a letter from Pompey saying to dispatch my army and return to Rome but I feared prosecution so I brought my army back to Rome and in 49 B.C crossed the Rubicon river and took over Rome. I then was elected dictator.
Q: Did you ever invent any thing?
A: Actually I did invent a calender system and named it the Julian Calender which is almost identical to todays western calender.

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